Selection, Assembly and Troubleshooting of Ball Screws (BS)


Selection, Assembly and Troubleshooting of Ball Screws (BS)

Welcome to Selection, Assembly and Troubleshooting of Ball Screws (BS) eLearning Module

A ball screws is a linear motion device which converts the rotational motion to a linear motion. Ball Screws handle high thrust loads with minimal internal friction and capable of executing micro motion commands. Ball Screws are also capable of achieving very high speeds which is required for high productivity. The Main advantages in choosing a ballscrew are that they can be easily controlled by servo driven motors, highly accurate in positioning, the ease of running at high speeds and are highly efficient. Today ball screws are used where higher precision and performance is expected like CNC Machining centres, CNC Lathes etc.

This module helps one to understand selection, assembly and trouble shooting of Ball Screws and method of achieving long life with highly accurate motion with many examples.

This module helps one to understand selection, assembly and trouble shooting of LMG and method of achieving long life with highly accurate motion with many examples.

Learning Duration : 4 Hours 30 Minutes

Price : Rs. 499 + 18% GST (For participants from India) Price : USD 20 (For participants from Overseas)

This module is developed by Mr. Shiva Kumar, Former Joint General Manager, HMT (R&D), Bangalore. He is an industry expert with over 25 years of rich experience in Design & Development of CNC Machines. Presently Mr. Shiva Kumar is a Technical Consultant to THK India Pvt Ltd and has been associated with THK Co, Ltd., for the past over 20 years.

The index of topics of Ball Screws Web Tutor is as follows :

  • Need, Application and types of Ball screws
  • Components of Ball screws
  • Construction of Ball screw
Selection Parameter
  • Parameters to select Ball screws
  • Selection of Ball screws
Machine Tools application
  • Preload effect
  • Ball screw mounting design
  • Stretching Ball screws
  • Case study
Assembly Procedure
  • For Long Ball screws and with both end fixed
  • Tools for assembly
Trouble shooting
  • Causes and remedies for failures
  • Maintenance of Ball screws
Final assessment
  • Final assessment
Note : All the courses once registered, will be available for a period of 30 days from the date of Registration.